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Luxembourg Funds

Invest in our Luxembourg fixed income, equity or flexible strategy funds.

B&H Bonds LU

Invest in fixed income. It has a track record of seven years.
It is aimed at a moderate investor seeking capital protection over 2-year periods.

B&H Bonds LU - Fondos Luxemburgueses

B&H Bonds LU


YTD 25/07/2024

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B&H Flexible LU

Invest in bonds and equities. It is aimed at a balanced investor with a time horizon of at least 4 years.
For more than 12 years, it has combined fixed income and equity investments, seeking the optimal balance between return and risk.

Flexible LU

B&H Flexible LU


YTD 25/07/2024

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B&H Equity LU

It invests in listed companies. It has been in existence for 18 years.
It is aimed at a risk-averse investor with a time horizon of at least 6 years.

Equity LU

B&H Equity LU


YTD 25/07/2024

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