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For a time horizon of at least 2 years.

B&H Bonds LU

Annualised average return:
Dic 2015
B&H Bonds LU “1”

Management 0,56%

Success 3% of profit

Depository 0,05%

ASSETS 13/02/2025

For investors with a horizon of at least 2 years.

Our longest-established fixed-income mutual fund.

BH Bonds LU selects corporate and government bonds, which can be investment grade according to rating agencies or high yield bonds. We seek profit by reducing the risk premiums of the issuers in which we invest.

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Portfolio Composition B&H Bonds LU

97% Bonds

3% Liquidity

Profitability from the start

Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Corporate Bond

B&H Bonds LU

Annual Return

BH BONDS Benchmark Diferencia
2025 0,92% 0,74% 0,18%
2024 8,31% 4,74% 3,57%
2023 11,65% 8,19% 3,46%
2022 -8,62% -13,64% 5,02%
2021 4,62% -0,97% 5,59%
2020 1,97% 2,77% -0,80%
2019 12,74% 6,24% 6,50%
2018 -4,06% -1,25% -2,81%
2017 6,75% 2,41% 4,34%
2016 6,33% 4,73% 1,60%

Returns net of commissions.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Cumulative Return

BH BONDS Benchmark Diferencia
YTD 0,92% 0,74% 0,18%
1 Año 8,80% 6,54% 2,26%
3 Años 13,54% 2,02% 11,52%
5 Años 16,47% -0,75% 17,22%
Inicio Dic 2015 44,62% 11,84% 32,78%

Cumulative performance based on actual data.
Returns net of fees.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Assumed returns of BH Renta Fija Europa Sicav, merged with the BH Bonds LU fund.

All documentation always up to date

Data sheet and presentation

Half Year Report

Mgmt Regulations, Prospectus & PRIIP

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B&H Bonds LU es un fondo luxemburgués creado para aquellos inversores que quieran entrar a través de su entidad bancaria y no deseen hacerlo a través de un fondo español en nuestra web. De hecho, el español B&H Renta Fija FI adquiere participaciones del fondo luxemburgués B&H Bonds LU a coste cero.

BH Bonds LU is a Luxembourg fund created for those investors who want to enter through their bank and do not wish to do so through a Spanish fund on our website. In fact, the Spanish BH Renta Fija FI acquires units of the Luxembourg fund BH Bonds LU at zero cost.

Antonio Aspas

Antonio Aspas

Director-Secretary. Partner

Director of various family offices and OEICs.

Asset Manager at Inversis and BM.

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the National University of Distance Education.

Master’s Degree in Portfolio Management from the IEB.

European Financial Advisor certificate from the EFPA.

Rafael Valera

Rafael Valera

CEO Investment manager. Partner


Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank.

Bond Sales-Trader AB Advisors / Morgan Stanley.

Deputy General Manager Banco Sabadell Urquijo.

Chairman of BMGA. Law degree from the University of Navarra.

Master in Finance from IEB.

IESE Business School, Senior Management Program, PADE.